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Community Content Submissions

PMI's Community Team is currently running a pilot submission process for our community content, which is why you've arrived here instead of the typical submission form. Please follow the instructions below to create your account and submit your content. Do not hesitate to contact with questions or feedback on this pilot.


Thank you for helping us improve our ways of working to better serve our community.

Do you have a great topic for a PMI community webinar, article or project template? This is your chance to highlight your expertise with our global community!

Share your content with us here and it could be featured for the millions of project professionals who depend on our community's collective knowledge to elevate our world through project success. Create your account, navigate to the Submit Content page, and share your idea with our team. 

Login or Create Your Account

All first-time users will need to create a user log in and password to access this database. For first time visitors, select New User? Click Here. Create your profile and click SAVE.

Questions about webinars, articles, or project templates? Please contact

​​​​​​​​​​​​​If you are interested in presenting at one of PMI's in-person or virtual events, please visit this page for more information.

Please note this is not a guarantee of being featured, as all submissions are subject to review for relevance, credibility, and accessibility.