



Temple Grandin
"The Geneva Centre for Autism International Symposium always has a great many internationally known speakers who present some of the latest research findings.”
Dr. Temple Grandin, Professor of Animal Science & Best Selling Author
Tony Attwood
“Symposiums are usually held on cavernous conference centres in which the participants feel overwhelmed by the architecture, number of people and a multitude of presentations. This is not my experience with conferences hosted by the Geneva Centre. The welcome and friendliness of the staff is so comforting and reassuring, the presentations are chosen to be informative and the programme covers so many aspects of ASD that one is spoilt for choice. Attending and presenting at a Geneva Centre Symposium is a highlight in my diary.”
Dr. Tony Attwood
Brenda Smith Myles, Ph.D
“Geneva Centre for Autism has one of the finest autism symposia in the world. I always look forward to attending the conference to keep up on the latest information in autism and network with the world’s leading researchers and practitioners. Another aspect of the Geneva Centre’s conference that I greatly admire is their autism-friendly environment — individuals with autism are valued highly as planners, presenters, and attendees. For me, the Geneva Centre Autism Symposium represents what a conference should be!”
Dr. Brenda Smith Myles
Michael McCreary, AspireComic
I had the privilege of being a part of the closing address at the 2014 Symposium along with Dr. Temple Grandin, Senator Jim Munson and the Honourable Mike Lake, MP. It was the largest audience I had ever played to up to that time and I never felt more at home in my entire life.”
Michael McCreary, AspireComic