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Submission Deadline is September 17, 2020, 11:00 pm (Pacific Time)  

 Thank you for your interest in speaking at our conference. View the conference agenda for updates, and send any questions to:
  • Submitting a session here does not guarantee it will be scheduled into the conference agenda.
  • If your session is accepted, CITE does not guarantee attendance for your session. CITE is not responsible for advertising your session beyond listing in the conference agenda.
  • Do not add speakers to your session unless they have been confirmed. All speakers must complete online registration, even if not attending the full conference.
  • If your plans change and you can no longer speak or if you have a change in speakers, please contact

Session Formats and Details

Sessions are 45-50 minutes long. You may request a double session but we do not guarantee it will be scheduled.  Sessions are presented in the following formats:
  • Breakout Session: One or more presenters in a lecture or interactive format with Q&A
  • Panel Session: A moderated group of presenters who have prepared their topics ahead of time
  • Hands-on Labs: Hands-on, interactive training in a classroom-style format.
  • Vendor Showdown: Topics for vendor showdowns will be selected with CITE member feedback later in spring or summer. If you are interested in participating in a showdown, please submit now. A brief session description is requested; each vendor will have 10 minutes to present. Participants then vote on their favorite presentation. 
Sessions are accepted and scheduled based on a variety of parameters. "Sales" type presentations will not be accepted. If you list a district or school presenter as a co-panelist, we will be contacting them to confirm. If they are not aware of the session, your submission will be declined automatically.  Session topics must be relevant to the IT Professionals working in schools and to those using and supporting the technology used in schools.